11 Davis Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530  View on Google Maps.

Long Island Children’s museum has generously offered complimentary admission for ReNU families, 11am - 3pm on July 23rd! If you’re arriving July 23rd, this is a great way to spend time prior to the 4pm check-in at the Long Island Marriott, just 5 minutes drive away.

Located on Charles Lindbergh Blvd. on Museum Row with free parking | Accessible parking is in the west parking lot

For anyone unable to attend with our group on July 23rd, there is also Museum time designated for families with children with disabilities. Friendly Hours include alterations to Museum lighting and sound, on July 25 from 6 - 8pm. Advanced registration is required. Learn more here via the Accessibility page: www.licm.org/licm4all