Many therapeutic services are currently being used to aid people with ReNU Syndrome
Physical Therapy (PT)
Exercise, strength training, and improvement in balance, coordination, and motion
Occupational Therapy (OT)
Treating motor skills delays, sensory processing, or coordination issues
Speech-Language Pathology (SLP)
Improving communication and addressing swallowing issues
Music Therapy
Used for perceptual motor skills, communication, and mood regulation
Nutrition & Feeding Therapies
Ensuring proper nutrition, developing sensory and oral/motor skills, and aiding in swallowing
Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy (ABA)
Positive reinforcement to encourage appropriate behaviors via play, social skills development, self-awareness, cognition, and academic skills
Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies (EAAT)
Horse therapy for coordination, strength, core stability, postural control, and sensory integration
Using water to treat various symptoms throughout the body; may also be known as aquatic therapy, pool therapy or balneotherapy
This site does not endorse or recommend any specific therapies. Always consult a physician for medical advice.